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Urban Gardening

My Favorite Hobby



Challenges in our  food supply continues to prompt a rising interest in urban gardening.  Due to concerns related to quality, limited arable land, and reliance on imported produce, growing your food can be a viable option. Think about our agrarian ancestors, they grew their own food out of necessity and survival. Today we can reconnect to those same truths and grow our own food as well.


Highlighting urban gardening is one of many DIY solutions in combating local food deserts and access to quality food. My  belief is anyone can learn to grow their own food, even in urban spaces. Cultivating your own fruits and vegetables are  cost effective, fresher, and great for your overall health and the environment. Most of all, it's enjoyably, relaxing, and good for the soul.


Therefore, UVP is driven by the shear passion of engaging with nature while highlighting the benefits of growing a variety of vegetables and herbs.  This websites offers information and resources for self-sufficiency through gardening. In addition, you can find other garden links to get started and explores various tips on growing and caring for your garden in various spaces. I invite you to browse our inspiration gallery and stay connected to get notices on upcoming events.


Please feel free to contact me. I'm  always happy to discuss anything about gardening. 


Thanks for visiting! 


and ending 

then regeneration

The beautiful lifecycle of nature 

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