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Meet Lisa 


Early experiences have an enormous impact throughout our life's journey.  They shape our lives at every level; from that burning  passion you desire, to that awesome career endeavor.  In 2008 I decided to embrace gardening to add some balance in my personal journey, however, I never imagined I would stay with it, moreover favor the choice of growing your own food. Gardening was an undiscovered passion that led me to connect with natures finest. I can honestly say I'm very pleased. 


I owe my early exposure to my father's urban homestead in the 1970’s. He had two large gardens and chickens. My siblings and I ate from those gardens for many years. I recall fresh corn, okra, peas, and collards greens, surrounded by an abundance of pecan trees. Whenever I traveled to rural East Texas, I recall my grandfather’s cucumber patch as well as my great aunt's livestock. Growing food and raising animals was a way of life for many families in urban and rural settings. As children, we never had the burden of diet-related issues that affect our children today. I am fortunate to have experience that way of life and is grateful for the exposure.   Unfortunately, that way of life was lost with the convenience of fast foods, local zoning restrictions, and the lack of education on the value of growing your our food. Today, we are truly living in a "Fast Food Nation". 


Lisa's Mission

My mission is to inspire people to embrace gardening and take control of growing their own fruits and vegetables again. I believe anyone who has the desire can learn to grow their own food, regardless of the size of their space, whether it's a small balcony or a large backyard. All you need is light, some guidance, motivation, and Mother Earth will do the rest.


Connecting to nature and tuning into nature's frequency is a very spiritual and therapeutic experience when you spend time in the garden. My decision  to delve into this divine nature had everything to do with the taste and  quality of the harvest.  Eating fruits and vegetables straight from the garden is the best investment you can contribute to your health and to the environment. It gives you freedom to choose what you eat. So I invite you to explore my  hobby gardening website where I highlight my love of spending time in the garden.


Lisa R.




Those who controls the land, controls the food and those who control the food, control the people. True freedom is self-sufficiency. 

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